Frequently Asked Questions

How to find the terminals that need to perform OTA update?
  1. Go to Terminal List.
  2. Change the Filter "Need update".
  3. Click "Filter" button.
How to set the target firmware, config or key to many terminals in one time?
  1. Go to Terminal List to select the terminals.
  2. Select the terminals' checkbox.
  3. Click "Bulk Operation" button.
  4. Choose "Set Firmware", "Set Config" or "Set Key" button.
  5. Select the items you want to apply to those terminals.
I want to apply a tag on multiple terminals, how can I do that?
  1. Select the terminals on the Terminal List page.
  2. Click "Bulk Operation" button.
  3. Click "Add Tag" button.
  4. Select the tag you want to apply to those terminals
Why I can't delete a tag?
A tag can only be deleted if it is not in use, ie. no terminal is associated with that tag. You can search the terminals that belong to a product at Terminals List.You can filter the terminals with that tag on the Terminals List page.
What is the protocol of a product?
Different BBPOS terminals use different protocols for encrypting firmware and config for secure OTA delivery. WisePad 1 uses protocol version 1. And all other new products use version 2.
Why I can't delete a product?
A product can only be deleted if it is not in use, ie. no terminal or firmware/config is associated with that product. You can search the terminals that belong to a product at Terminals List.
What are the different user types?
There are 4 user types with different privileges:
  1. SUPER - An super administrator which has access to all functionalities as well as all customers.
  2. ADMIN - An administrator of a particular cusomter, with the rights to create users and manage terminals.
  3. OPERATOR - An operator with the rights to manage terminals.
  4. USER - An user account with readonly rights.
How to change my account login email address?
  1. Go to Your Profile.
  2. Click "Edit Profile" button.
What is a customer?
A customer is a logical separation of devices by the vendor id. All information, such as terminals, firmware or users, are restricted to be accessed within one customer.
What is the meaning of "Latest" in the terminal list filter?
This field is to filter the terminals based on whether the terminal needs to perform OTA update or not.
  • Latest - terminal's current firmware/config/key is the same target as the target firmware/config/key. No OTA update is needed
  • Needs Update - at least one of the current firmware/config/key is not the same as the target one. OTA update is needed
  • Unknown - the terminal has no information on current or the target it wants to update.
Where can I find the hex file of firmware/config to upload to the system?
Please send a request to BBPOS the desired version of firmware or config. BBPOS will provide you the hex file or will upload the firmware/config directly to the system for you.